The job of a private Investigator is quite challenging. Aside from working during standard business hours, these professionals also work odd hours to conduct surveillance and collect evidence for clients. Most PIs are driven to deliver results beyond expectations and make sure they don’t end up compromising client privacy while doing so.
However, not every client understands the importance of these valuable services. Do you plan to hire surveillance services in the near future? Then let us share with you a few qualities of a ‘good’ client!
They Are Cooperative and Honest
When it comes to the characteristics of a good customer, cooperation and honesty top the list.
Whether you decide to hire private investigators for background checks on your business employee or need to collect information about your spouse, PIs require detailed information about the matter so they can understand and assess the situation before they take up an assignment.
Good clients don’t hide critical information from investigators. They maintain their integrity and honesty and avoid fabricating or leaving out critical facts. Such customers cooperate with professionals during the investigation process and provide detailed information to support PIs in conducting an effective investigation.
They Set Realistic Expectations
Professional investigators prioritize the interest of clients and put in their best efforts to deliver results when it comes to surveillance activities or other investigation services. However, no matter how hard they work, there are certain scenarios where it’s sometimes almost impossible to get the desired results.
For instance, when an employee commits corporate fraud and leaves with confidential business secrets, they’ll invariably cover their trail through various sophisticated means. While PIs would leave no stone unturned to trace their current location or contact details using equally sophisticated tactical means, they may not always succeed.
Good clients understand the challenges facing PIs and accordingly, set realistic expectations in collaboration with the investigator.
They Recognize the Value of Surveillance Services
It makes sense that no one wants to waste their hard-earned money, but reputable investigators charge a fair fee for their professional services and aim to deliver maximum value and results to clients in exchange. Some clients may tend to baulk at what may seem excessive fees; however, most fee structures accurately reflect the time and professional expertise required to effectively undertake covert surveillance activities.
Good clients, on the other hand, recognize the value of surveillance services and realize that it’s an investment that can benefit them in their personal life or managing their business risk. Therefore, they set a realistic budget so PIs can fulfill their responsibilities without worrying about tight budget constraints that in turn can restrict or compromise the objectives of the case.
They fully understand that ‘cheap’ service providers usually compromise on the quality of service and trust the private investigation agency to deliver effective results for a fair price.

They Don’t Ghost the PI Agency
Quick and effective communication is also one of the best qualities of a good client.
PIs accommodate customer requirements in their busy routines to ensure they meet customer expectations and deadlines whether it’s surveillance, conducting interviews for a workplace misconduct case, or investigating fraudulent activities of suspicious people.
Aside from investigators working on respective cases, highly qualified case management support staff at private investigation firms also ensure their availability so clients can reach out at their convenience to discuss any issues.
Equally, professional private investigation firms encourage and expect the same attitude and responsiveness from clients. Clients that respect the time of PIs respond in a timely manner and provide case details to investigators without wasting time. This approach assists professionals in successfully completing tasks and enables them to submit investigation reports on time in accordance with the agreed schedule.
They Refrain from Asking for Unethical Services
Private investigators are licensed professionals and their services involve gathering the required evidence through ethical and legal means. However, some clients may ask for unethical or illegal services such as hacking into the device of their partner, threatening a person, or breaking into the property of a person to obtain specific documents.
However, the quality of a good client is that they are aware of the boundaries and scope of these services and don’t ask investigators to take up unreasonable assignments.
They Trust the Services of PI
When you decide to hire surveillance services, make sure you conduct thorough research to choose an agency that meets the criteria. Once you discuss the case with the team and obtain the assurance that they possess the expertise to take up the assignment, you should trust them.
Many people contact private investigation agencies to look into the activities of their spouse or business employees because they have suspicions that the subject is cheating on them or engaging in activities that can harm their business. However, these suspicions may not always be true.
Private investigators use a variety of techniques and tools to conduct surveillance and uncover evidence that can prove infidelity or fraud. However, they let the clients know if they don’t find conclusive evidence against the subject despite physically following them and or conducting comprehensive background checks.
Good clients trust reports and information shared by investigators. They ask questions to clear confusion or ambiguity and accept genuine advice.